Circus Camp Registration just opened!

I always seem to miss this, but the Van Lodostov Family Circus just opened its registration. Here’s the scoop (and registration information ) from the Norwich Rec Department’s web page:


FOR: children ages 8 & up, and must have completed 2nd grade Teenagers & Adults welcome, also.

LOCATION: Held in the Marion Cross School Gym & Multi-purpose room, as well as the outdoor grounds. Monday – Friday, July 9th – 20th 8:30am – 3pm

FEE: Norwich Residents: $580; Non-Residents: $640

COORDINATOR: Ted Lawrence ( or 802-558-7959), performer and teacher with decades of experience. An incredible staff of Circus professionals having expertise in a broad range of Circus disciplines will join Ted to maximize your learning and fun.

At our “Van Lodostov” Circus Camp some of the exciting things participants will learn how to do are: Diablo, Multi-person Circus Bike Tricks, Clowning (ranging from mime to pie throwing), Tight Wire, Acrobatics, Plate Spinning, Fabrique, Stilt-Walking, Juggling, Unicycling, Pyramids, Rola Bola, Rolling Globe, Mini Tramp, and Aerials. We are taking registrations now so you can have 2 weeks of fun slotted into your summer plans. Our camp culminates with a big show on the final Friday evening.

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